Unique & Cherished

Unique hair, Unique journey

Not one person has the same hair as another. Not one person has the same DNA or journey as another. I’ve found that when we don’t acknowledge, nurture and celebrate our uniqueness or the uniqueness of another, issues arise. Trying to squeeze a square block through a round hole will only cause frustration, disappointment and well – failure. It’s not meant to be.

In the Bible, we read King Davids poetry. And in his psalm 139, he writes “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” (Psalm 139:13) I don’t think anyone can knit two scarves the same. It’s such an intricate craft. Knitting takes time and intention and is so detailed.

 We can tell identical twins apart, if not by a beauty spot then by a personality trait that one has and the other doesn’t. God made us the way He has intentionally, for a specific reason, and it all brings Him glory. To try to edit or manipulate something for a purpose that it was not made by God to fulfil is suggesting He did a poor job. In verse 14 of his psalm, David goes on to say “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”(Psalm 139:14) I agree with him. Wondrous, glorious, excellent, are the works of our Maker, the creator of the heavens and the universe and it’s an honour to be His creation.

When we begin to see our hair, our physical features through His lens, we begin to truly love them. God does everything with love. He is love. I did not create nor design my hair, but He did, and if He loves it, He will help me to love it too. Thankfully I can say He has!