Crown of Splendour & Beauty

I was 15 years old and had enough of putting popular products in my hair only for it to seem worse off! I already invested in my own natural skin care and I decided it was time to start putting the same attention to my hair. 

I went online and found that people had started embracing their natural hair and using natural products to look after it. I was intrigued. I followed their advice and went out and bought shea butter, coconut oil and switched up my shampoo and conditioner. I actually sprayed water in my hair as the youtubers taught me and that was something I had previously been told was the worse thing you could do!
I swapped my straight, singed hair for short, moisturised twists.
I remember going into school and receiving hurtful comments on the first day of going out with my new style, but I didn't let it stop me.
I wanted to embrace my hair.
I went on to university and I wanted a new look. I started covering my hair with wigs and I loved the variety of curls and styles they came with.  But soon I became insecure about people suddenly seeing my natural hair and not the bigger, bouncier curls I had with wigs. 
After my first year of being at University, I was saved and became a christian. I started spending time with God, reading what He had to say about me and knowing His heart towards me more. As months and years went on, when I went through heart ache and insecurity, I experienced Jesus' unconditional love, care and delight in me and how I was made.

I loved telling people tips about how to look after their hair, scribbling down hair care regimes and even visiting my friends to care for their hair for them. After time I realised this was something I'd like to do intentionally, and one day as I was reading the Bible I came across this beautiful scripture:
This verse spoke to me about how God saw me but also my hair. I would see my hair as a beautiful crown, designed and cherished by God. I wanted others to experience this too.
So this is the journey that led to me beginning Crown of Splendour & Beauty. Where hair care and beauty tips can be gained, people can grow in loving their hair and know there is a loving God who sees them and dreamt of them being a Crown of Splendour in His hands.
- Ambar